Podcast Release: 2021 Texas Power Crisis: What Caused the Blackout
Date & Time
Wednesday, May 5, 2021, 8:00 AM - 9:00 AM
Erin Hardick - Utility Analytics Institute
Josh Power - Oncor Electric Delivery
Jeff Postelwait - T&D World
Rudy Garza - CPS Energy
Joel Austin - Oncor Electric Delivery
Josh Power - Oncor Electric Delivery
Jeff Postelwait - T&D World
Rudy Garza - CPS Energy
Joel Austin - Oncor Electric Delivery

In February, nearly four million Texans lost power during a severe winter storm. The outages can’t be attributed to a single point of failure, instead many things went wrong. From lost generation capacity to sky rocketing demand, the Texas electric grid did not prove reliable in record breaking winter temperatures. On the episode of Beyond the Data, Erin Hardick, Sr. Research Analyst at UAI, talks with Texas utilities and grid experts about what actually happened in Texas during that infamous week in February.
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