503: Discussion Forum - What Can We Use AMI data For?
Date & Time
Thursday, April 6, 2023, 9:15 AM - 10:15 AM
Marianne Guieb Evan Wright Eric Durdov Nadia Powell

These investments have presented utilties with several benefits including service start/start control, enabling energy efficiency programs such as peak time savings, and improved billing. The Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI) network itself can support other technologies, such as smart streetlights, to offer municipalities an array of modern services, enabling smart city applications. As the industry recognizes the potential of this technology, AMI data can be leveraged to help solve a multitude of issues and present some interesting use cases. We can learn a lot about the customer and grid with AMI data.

We can determine if the customer likely has an electric vehicle, likely has solar panels, likely has electric heat, and many things as we transition to net zero. For the grid, we can determine if a transformer may be failing, how long customers under a transformer or a feeder section has been down for, or if a region has experienced a voltage sag/swell event. Let’s open up the discussion on how your respective companies have been using AMI data and brainstorm what this data can do in the near future!

Location Name
Julia Lee
Full Address
Kansas City Marriott Downtown
200 W 12th St
Kansas City, MO 64105
United States
Focus Area
Data Science, Grid Analytics
Session Category
Panel Discussion
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