Paul Von Hertsenberg - 1898 & Co.
Todd Shutts - 1898 & Co.
Brandon Doebele - Evergy
Sarah Hazelwood - Evergy

Power plants capture a wealth of information, including real-time operational data, work history, design information, market prices, etc. This information is rarely contained within the same software systems and is unlikely to have a standard naming convention or integration. Power plant operators must use these numerous disparate data sources to perform their duties, including troubleshooting, capital planning, and maintenance optimization, often manually extracting data and creating relationships.
Graph technology, such as property and knowledge graphs, focuses on relationships between data/entities that enable exploration and analytics. Graph technology is used in various advanced analytics solutions, including digital twins. We will explore the use of graph technology to integrate disparate data sources and graph models to improve the efficiency of accessing information and analytics outcomes in the context of creating meaningful impact for power generation operations teams.
We will explore the use of graph technology to integrate disparate data sources and graph models to improve the efficiency of accessing information and analytics outcomes in the context of creating meaningful impact for power generation operations teams. During the session we will discuss the following topics:
- An introduction to graph technology
- Assess where to apply technology within your organization
- Evaluate strategies to address different naming conventions from different data sources in graph models
- Describe insights from initial power generation graph models
200 W 12th St
Kansas City, MO 64105
United States