201: Sending the Right Message: Improving Customer Communications Accuracy During Outage Restoration at DTE Energy
Date & Time
Wednesday, May 11, 2022, 11:00 AM - 11:45 AM
Joyce LePage David Bess

Outages, especially due to extreme weather events, are just as much a crisis for the customer as they are the utility. Today’s “always connected” customer has little tolerance for uncertainty and expects relevant, timely and accurate information to be available on the channel of their choice. Failure to do so can result in negative sentiments that lead to brand crisis - even if the operational response was effective.

Join Neudesic and DTE Energy and we share DTE’s current journey towards error free customer communications. Learn about the transition to a customer focused versus operational focused approach to outage communications, and what is included in the platform necessary to support it.

Together we’ll learn how DTE:

  • Pivoted to customer-focused messaging
  • Created a single “voice” communication that synchronizes channel updates and ensures consistency in timing and delivery
  • Improved the timeliness and accuracy of delivering outage notifications
  • Improved the accuracy in estimating time of restoration (ETR) and restoration completion - Lifted overall customer sentiments and satisfaction
Submission Type
Breakout Session
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